Source code for apyhgnc.apyhgnc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Created by Roberto Preste
import asyncio
import pandas as pd
from typing import Union
from .classes import Info, Search, Fetch

[docs]def info() -> Info: """Retrieve basic information from HGNC. Returns: Info Examples: >>> i = >>> i.searchableFields # list of searchable fields >>> i.storedFields # list of stored fields >>> i.lastModified # date of last HGNC database modification >>> i.numDoc # number of entries in HGNC database """ i = Info() return i
[docs]async def asearch(*args, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """Launch an asynchronous search on HGNC. Args: *args: either a single term to search all available fields, or a specific field and term to restrich the search **kwargs: one or more keywork arguments with a field and a string or list of strings representing the search term(s) Returns: pd.DataFrame Example: >>> import asyncio >>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() >>> loop.run_until_complete(apyhgnc.asearch("symbol", "BRAF")) """ s = Search(*args, **kwargs) return await s.aquery()
[docs]def fetch(field: str, term: Union[str, int]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Launch a synchronous fetch from HGNC. Args: field (str): HGNC field to query term (Union[str,int]): query term Returns: pd.DataFrame Example: >>> apyhgnc.fetch("symbol", "ZNF3") """ f = Fetch(field, term) return f.query()
[docs]async def afetch(field: str, term: Union[str, int]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Launch an asynchronous fetch from HGNC. Args: field (str): HGNC field to query term (Union[str,int]): query term Returns: pd.DataFrame Example: >>> import asyncio >>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() >>> loop.run_until_complete(apyhgnc.afetch("symbol", "ZNF3")) """ f = Fetch(field, term) return await f.aquery()